Mail donation:
Salud Family Health
Attn: Development
203 S. Rollie Avenue
Fort Lupton, CO 80621​​​​
Contact: Chad Scott
Director of Philanthropy
Salud Family Health
c- 704-530-9798
t- 303-697-2583
Maxay taageertaa hadiyaddaada?
Taageerada hawlgalka inta lagu jiro aafada COVID, oo ay ku jirto qaybinta tallaalka
Tayada, adeegyada daryeelka caafimaadka aasaasiga ah oo la awoodi karo saaxiibadaa, qoyska iyo xubnaha bulshada
Isku dhafka caafimaadka, ilkaha, caafimaadka dabeecadda iyo adeegyada farmashiyaha
Daryeelka dhalmada ka hor iyo daryeelka dhalmada ee hooyada iyo dhallaanka caafimaad qaba
Ciwaanka Go'aaminta Caafimaadka Bulshada
Isuduwidda daryeelka si looga jawaabo baahiyaha bukaanka sida ugu wanaagsan
Daryeelka carruurta si loo hubiyo in carruurtu caafimaad qabaan oo ay koraan
Baaritaanno ka hortag ah oo lagu taageerayo ka hortagga cudurrada mustaqbalka
Adeegyada kale ee daryeelka aasaasiga ah oo kala duwan, oo ku habboon bukaanka iyo baahiyaha bulshada

Salud's Butt Savers Program offsets the cost of Colonoscopies for patients who would otherwise not be able to afford the procedure and are now available at the Longmont Salud Family Health Clinic. We are the only Federally Qualified Health Clinic (FQHC) in the United States to offer this type of cost-saving program to our patients!
Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths! For every sixty (60) Colonoscopies performed, we save a life!
Salud's Butt Savers program has performed more than 500 procedures since its inception in 2022. We continue to advocate for our patients who need Colorectal screenings and Colonoscopies. We need your help to continue this life-saving work.
Private Providers can charge as much as $12,000.00 for a Colonoscopy.
Each Colonoscopy at Salud costs $701. Salud's sliding fee scale determines a patient's contribution and Butt Savers funds cover the remaining cost, ensuring Colonoscopies are affordable and available to all patients in need.
Project Smile covers the cost of dental treatment for children in need throughout the Poudre School District.​​Services are provided by Salud and partnering dentists.
​​Dental health contributes to a child’s ability to learn in the classroom, free of dental pain, and the confidence to share their smile!
Your contribution can transform a child's life to thrive and lead a healthy life. Click here to learn more.

Butt Savers program
The Butt Savers program offsets the cost of colonoscopies, available in-clinic at the Longmont Salud location.​